Oh my god sonic adventure 2
Oh my god sonic adventure 2

oh my god sonic adventure 2

Sonic 06 was the game that pretty much turned me away from Sonic for awhile, at least up to Generations which I really liked. The branching paths for that game are cool on paper, though in execution didn't really do too much to vary the game in any significant way.

oh my god sonic adventure 2

Shadow the Hedgehog had way too many problems with the annoying side kicks that wouldn't shut up to the unpolished levels and shooting mechanics and meh story.

oh my god sonic adventure 2

I don't remember much from that game, though I guess it didn't have much of a hook to make me addicted to them like the chao from the Sonic Adventure games lol. The Sonic games started going downhill for me around when Sonic Heroes came out. I guess they wanted to age Amy a bit to make her more of a legitimate love interest for Sonic. I prefer the Sonic Adventure designs myself as well, though yeah sonic CD Amy was way cuter in my opinion, though I don't mind her SA design. I put in hundreds of hours into SA 2 thanks to the chao garden lol. I was more into Mario when I was a kid on the snes and n64, but yeah I did have a Sega Genesis so I played the first three sonic games, then jumped into Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 when they came out on the GameCube.

Oh my god sonic adventure 2